Cleaning Dentures
Talbot Denture Clinic Adelaide
1/394 Henley Beach Rd, Lockleys S.A.
Ph: (08)8352 2999
Cleaning your Full Denture:
Dentures should be taken out of your mouth and cleaned after every meal (when possible) to remove plaque and food debris.
Before brushing your denture, line the hand basin with a face towel or half fill it with water. This will prevent chipping or breaking should you accidently drop the denture.
Use a soft toothbrush and hand soap to gently brush your denture all over, then rinse your denture under warm water before placing back into your mouth. Do not use toothpaste to clean your dentures as they can be too abrasive, and will damage the denture over time.
If it is not possible to clean your denture after eating, rinse your denture and mouth with water.
Remember that you must brush your denture as soaking alone will not clean it.
Cleaning Your Denture with A Soft Toothbrush And Soap Can Help It Last Longer
Take your Denture out at Night:
It is a good idea to take your denture out at night each day to rest your mouth and soft tissues. This allows your gums to breathe and remain healthy
For most people the best time to take out their denture is at night, but if you would prefer you can take your denture out for a couple of hours during the day instead.
Soaking Your Denture In A Denture Cleaner Will Help To Kill Bacteria
Cleaning Partial Dentures:
Partial dentures are cleaned in the same way as full dentures using a soft toothbrush and soap.
When wearing a partial denture it is important to clean the natural teeth very thoroughly, especially the areas where the partial denture and natural teeth touch.
For your natural teeth use a fluoride toothpaste on a soft toothbrush. Use dental floss for cleaning between your teeth.
Just like a full denture, a partial denture should also be taken out over night. This allows your gums to rest.
Never use bleach or harsh cleaning agents as they can damage the denture. Seek professional advice about hard to remove stains or deposits.
Remember To Clean Your Natural Teeth As Normal If You Have A Partial Denture
Take Care of your Gums:
It is important to brush your gums, tongue and the roof of your mouth also with a soft toothbrush.
This helps remove plaque and food debris that build up daily so helping to prevent irritation to the tissues such as thrush (a fungal infection that can occur in the mouth).
It is also a good idea to rinse your mouth out once a day with mouthwash.
Rinse Your Mouth With Mouthwash Twice A Day to Keep it Fresh
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